A person gets off the train leaving money behind, what amount of money would be left behind for you to pocket it and what amount of money would be left behind for you to hand it in? | 1 | Possessions, Small Talk |
Are all emotions valid? | | |
Are productivity and rest mutually exclusive? Explain. | | |
Are there any good reasons to swear? | 2 | Culture |
Are there certain things that should exclude a person from leadership? | 3 | Ministry and Church |
Are trust and love mutually necessary? Do you need to trust someone in order to love them? | | |
Are you a Christian? Why or why not? | 2 | Christian Living, Small Talk |
Are you a conflict resolver (rhino) or a conflict evader (armadillo)? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Are you a conversation intiater or enabler? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
Are you a diligent worker/student? Why or why not? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk, Work and Education |
Are you a healthy person? Why or why not? | | |
Are you a joyful giver? Why or why not? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity, Ministry and Church |
Are you an extrovert or an introvert? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
Are you content with your salary? What is your desired salaray? What is a 'godly' salary? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture, Possessions |
Are you currently being trained to be better equipped with the gospel? Why/why not? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
Are you currently reading the bible with someone? Why or why not? | 1 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
Are you guided more by emotions or logic? | 2 | Identity |
Are you taking care of your mental health as much as your physical health? Why or why not? | | |
Are your friendships usually initiated by you or by others? What does this say about you? | | |
At what point in your life would you be content with dying? | 2 | Death and Suffering, Identity |
Can a person ever be righteously angry? | | |
Can exes stay friends? If so, what does that look like? | | |
Can humans ever express righteous anger? | 3 | Christian Living, Identity |
Can you remain friends with your ex? Why or why not and on what terms? | 3 | Relationships |
Can you use brackets in the train number game? | 1 | Culture, Small Talk |
Describe a time you dealt with a relational conflict well. | | |
Describe a time you dealt with conflict well. | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Describe a time you felt encouraged or built up. What about that interaction made you feel that way? | | Relationships |
Describe a time you felt really loved - what about that interaction made you feel that way? | | Relationships |
Describe one good reason to scream loudly in public. | 1 | Small Talk |
Describe the ideal role that you'd like to play in other peoples lives. | 3 | Relationships |
Describe three things you struggled with this week. | 1 | Christian Living, Small Talk, Time |
Describe three things you want to do better next week. | 1 | Christian Living, Small Talk, Time |
Describe yourself outside of what you do for a living. | 2 | Identity |
Did Jesus promote socialism? Why or why not? | 2 | Small Talk, Worldviews |
Discuss the effects of porn on society. | | |
Divorce rates are at an all time high, what is your opinion on the factors that contribute to this? | | |
Do christians have an obligation to take care of their physical health? Why or why not? | 2 | Christian Living, Health |
Do you agree with all your church's mission statements, why or why not? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
Do you bond with people better through shared joy or shared anxiety/suffering? | 2 | Relationships |
Do you care about your privacy on social media? Why or why not? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
Do you desire marriage to make your parents proud of you? | | |
Do you enjoy growth group, sunday gathering or one-on-ones most? why? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
Do you ever wish to be the opposite gender? Why or why not? | 2 | Small Talk |
Do you feel closer to friends or family? Why? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Do you feel like you could be doing more ministry? why or why not? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
Do you feel like you have more testosterone or oestrogen? | 2 | Identity |
Do you feel more/less mature for your age? | 2 | Identity |
Do you find it hardest to remember God when you’re depressed, happy, or busy? | | Relationships |
Do you find it worse to be a disappointment to someone or to be an embarrassment to someone? Explain | | Identity, Relationships |
Do you find yourself wanting to talk more or talk less? | 2 | Identity |
Do you follow social media more than you follow the news? | 2 | Culture, Current Affairs, Time |
Do you geniunely enjoy reading the bible? | 1 | Christian Living, Small Talk |
Do you give to the work of the gospel? How much do you give? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Possessions |
Do you like the way music is run at your church? What would you improve/change? | 3 | Ministry and Church |
Do you prefer leading or submitting? | 2 | Identity, Ministry and Church |
Do you return the shopping trolley after you're done using it? | 1 | Small Talk, Worldviews |
Do you see yourself as a role model? Why or why not? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Do you start your day on your phone? Why or why not? | 2 | Time |
Do you struggle more with expressing your emotions too much or not enough? | | |
Do you struggle with stressing too much or too little? | | |
Do you tend to gravitate towards people of the same culture? What can you do to break free from this? | 2 | Relationships |
Do you tend to have higher or lower expectations of others compared to yourself? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Do you tend to have higher or lower expectations of yourself? | 2 | Identity |
Do you tend to trust ugly people more than beautiful people? Why? | 1 | Small Talk |
Do you think Christians will go to hell if they commit suicide? Why or why not? | 3 | Christian Living, Theology |
Do you think diversity should be enforced at work, school? (ie affirmitive action) Why or why not? | 2 | Culture, Work and Education, Worldviews |
Do you think free market capitalism is good or bad? | 3 | Culture, Current Affairs, Worldviews |
Do you think it's healthy to compare yourself with others? Why or why not? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Do you think mental illnesses are over-diagnosed or under-diagnosed? | | |
Do you think people at church know you well, What makes you feel like a part of your church if you do? | 3 | Christian Living, Identity, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
Do you think people at church know you well? Why or why not? | | Relationships |
Do you think social media has changed the way you see yourself? If so, in what ways? | 2 | Culture |
Do you think the COVID vaccine could be the mark of the beast? | 1 | Culture, Current Affairs, Worldviews |
Do you think the definition of rest changed over time? If so, how? | | |
Do you think the government should have more or less say in representing society’s norms and behaviours? What are the pros and cons of each? | | |
Do you think the rich should give more to the poor? Why don't you give more to the poor? | 2 | Possessions, Worldviews |
Do you think there is a correlation between mental health illnesses and social media use? Why or why not? | 3 | Culture, Health |
Do you think you feel parental and/or societal pressure to get married? | | |
Do you think your church over-emphasises or under-emphasises the gift of singleness? | | |
Do you value compassion or empathy more? | 1 | Identity |
Do you want to date and/or get married? Why/why not? | | |
Do you wish social media existed? | 3 | Culture |
Do you wish to be in a clique? why or why not? | 2 | Relationships |
Do you wish you grew up in another country? Why or why not? | 1 | Small Talk |
Does free will exist? | 2 | Culture, Theology, Worldviews |
Does mental health ever excuse/justify bad behaviour? If so to what extent? | 3 | Culture, Health, Worldviews |
Does social media increase/decrease your FOMO? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
Does social media increase/decrease your feeling of loneliness? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
Does such easy accessibility to artworks online devalue their worth? | | |
Does the end justify the means? | 3 | Small Talk, Worldviews |
Does your own self esteem match what other perceive your self esteem to be? | 2 | Identity |
Explain the tension of living in your parent's household as an adult. | 2 | Relationships |
For what reasons should someone get married or not get married? | | |
Given the rise of globalisation, is it important to have a national identity? | | |
Has being too emotionally sensitive or not sensitive enough caused any conflicts in your relationships? | | |
Has social media improved/decreased your quality of life? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
Has the movement towards eradicating mental health stigma done more harm than good? What are the benefits and pitfalls of the movement? | | |
Has the prevalence of “catering to the masses” stifled unique expression? | | |
Have you ever cut off a friendship? If so, why? | | |
Have you ever read the terms and conditions? | 1 | Small Talk |
Have you read through the whole bible? why or why not? | 1 | Christian Living |
How are you currently serving your leaders? | | |
How are you currently taking care of your mental health? | | |
How are you using your singleness to witness to non-Christians around you? | | |
How are your friendships with people of the opposite sex different to those of the same sex? | | Relationships |
How can a lack of stress be helpful? How can it be unhelpful? | | |
How can married people serve single people (and vice versa)? | | |
How can people love you better? | | |
How can too much self-care be dangerous? How can too little self-care be dangerous? | | |
How can we be loving to those who are less emotionally sensitive? | | |
How can we be loving to those who are more emotionally sensitive? | | |
How can we better educate people on mental health issues? | 2 | Death and Suffering, Health, Relationships |
How can you be more gracious in the way that you speak? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
How can you tell that you're being friend zoned? | 2 | Culture, Relationships |
How connected are you with your culture? | 1 | Culture, Identity |
How do friendships between married couples look different to their friendships to singles, and in what ways do they look similar? | | |
How do you anticipate marriage will affect your relationships with your family and with your friends? | | |
How do you apologise well? Is it important to ask for forgiveness when apologising? | | Relationships |
How do you ask someone out well? | 2 | Relationships |
How do you balance saving and giving? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Possessions |
How do you break up well? | | |
How do you breakup well? | 2 | Relationships |
How do you console/comfort non-christians who are going through a lot of suffering? | 2 | Death and Suffering, Relationships |
How do you deal with conflict with your close friends? | | |
How do you define marriage? | | |
How do you define ‘singleness’ or ‘being single’? | | |
How do you feel about compliments? | 1 | Identity, Relationships |
How do you help someone who struggles with feelings of loneliness? | 1 | Relationships |
How do you rebuke well? Can you think of an example? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
How do you reject someone well? | 2 | Relationships |
How do you resolve conflict within your family? | | Relationships |
How do you respond to or deal with sufferring and difficulty? | | Relationships |
How do you reubke someone well? Can you think of an example? | | Relationships |
How do you romantically pursue someone well? | | |
How do you set and enforce boundaries with friends/family/partners well? | | |
How do you think the world perceives christianity? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Worldviews |
How do you usually compliment others? | 2 | Relationships |
How do you vent? Is it a loving way to vent or not? | 2 | Christian Living, Relationships |
How do you wish to be complimented by others? | 1 | Identity, Relationships |
How do your cultural differences affect your conduct at church? | 2 | Culture, Identity, Ministry and Church |
How do/ would you combat FOMO? | 2 | Culture, Health, Relationships |
How does a christian faithfully enjoy the fruits of their labour? | 3 | Christian Living, Health, Ministry and Church, Theology |
How does being a Christian influence the way you take care of your health? | | |
How does having a small or big plate influence how you rest? Should it? | | |
How does marriage affect friendships between people who are married and those who are not? | | |
How does one keep emotionally pure in a romantic and/or friend relationship? | 3 | Relationships |
How does the definition of health differ across different cultures? Think particularly about the differences between eastern and western cultures. | | |
How does the way you were brought up affect the way you deal with stress? | | |
How does your family dynamic affect the way you relate to other people? | | Relationships |
How does your family dynamic affect the way you relate to your friends? | 2 | Relationships |
How does your personality change between when you're with family and when you're in other groups of people? | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
How expensive is too expensive a gift for someone you are dating? | 2 | Possessions, Relationships |
How far is too far to travel to church? | 1 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
How far would you go for a friend? | 2 | Relationships, Worldviews |
How gangsta is too gangsta? | 1 | Small Talk |
How geniune are you when you welcome people? | 2 | Ministry and Church, Relationships |
How genuine are you when you welcome people? | | Ministry and Church, Relationships |
How godly is the music you listen to? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture |
How has the definition of health changed over time? | | |
How has the way you’ve related to your parents changed over the course of your life? | | |
How has your job shaped your view of today's society/culture? | 3 | Culture, Work and Education |
How has your parents’ relationship to you and to one another taught you or impacted you as a person? | | Relationships |
How has your upbringing impacted on the way you give and receive love? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
How has your upbringing shaped you as a person? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
How important is physical attraction to you in a relationship? | 3 | Relationships |
How important is status to you? | 2 | Culture, Identity, Relationships |
How many genders are there and can gender be fluid? | 3 | Culture, Identity, Worldviews |
How many times would you get rejected for the man/woman of your dreams? | 3 | Relationships |
How much do you think a full time minister should get paid? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
How much do you value new and novel experiences, does this indicate a lack of contentment? | | |
How much media consumption is too much? | 1 | Culture |
How much money do you spend on coffee each week? | 1 | Possessions |
How much money is too much to spend on clothes? | 2 | Possessions |
How much of a role should romance play in Christian dating and marriage? | | |
How much of your personality affects your expectation of people serving you? | 3 | Christian Living, Identity, Ministry and Church |
How much of your self esteem affects your self worth? | 2 | Identity |
How much of your self esteem comes from peoples' perspectives of you? | 3 | Culture, Identity, Relationships |
How much of your social media use functions as a pacifer? (Soothing/something to do) | 2 | Culture, Time |
How much of yourself do you reveal to your close friends compared to your other (less close) friends? | | Relationships |
How much rest is too little and how much rest is too much? | | |
How much time do you spend in a week investing in your friendships? How much time do you spend in a week investing in your relationship with God? | | |
How much would you say is an unhealthy amount of time to spend with one individual whether platonic or romantic? | | Relationships |
How often do you ask questions because you're just nosy? | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
How often do you feel like you need to keep in contact with your close friends? | | |
How often do you need to spend time with your friends for them to remain as your friends? | 2 | Relationships |
How should singleness look different between Christians and non-Christians? | | |
How valuable is rest in today’s culture? | | |
How would you answer a newcomer who asks, "Whats one thing I need to know about this church?" | 2 | Ministry and Church |
How would you describe a close friend? Who are your top 5 closest friends? What are the commonalities of them and yourself? What does the commonality say about you? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
How would you help someone that is in the midst of a very intense negative emotional experience? (i.e. anxiety/panic attack, sever depressive episode, an outburst of anger) | | |
How would you judge the success of a church? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
How would you like to love your friends better? | | |
How would you raise your own children differently to the way you were brought up? | | |
How would you want to die? | 2 | Death and Suffering, Identity |
How would your ministry look different as a single and as a married person? | | |
If someone isn’t able to set and enforce their own healthy boundaries, is it loving to do so on their behalf while you’re relating to them? | | |
If someone tells you that an action you're doing is a stumbling block but isn't actually a sin, how obligated are you to stop that action? | 3 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
If you are single, how are you ministering to the married couple around you? (And vice versa) | | |
If you can only buy your clothes from one brand (you have endless credit there), where would it be? | 1 | Possessions, Small Talk |
If you could choose a movie to depict your life, what would it be? | 1 | Small Talk |
If you could develop any skill without any effort, what would it be? | 2 | Identity, Small Talk |
If you could have a super power that you could only use for selfish purposes (nothing heroic) what would it be and how would you use it? | 1 | Small Talk |
If you could know everything about a person, who would it be? | 2 | Relationships, Small Talk |
If you could make a Ted Talk on any topic, what would it be? | 3 | Small Talk |
If you could make a new ministry group, what would it be and why? | 2 | Ministry and Church, Small Talk |
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? | 1 | Small Talk |
If you could revive one celebrity but had to sacrifice another, who would you revive and who would you sacrifice? | 1 | Small Talk |
If you could switch lives with one person, who would it be? | 2 | Identity, Small Talk |
If you could talk to anyone in history, who would you talk to and why? | 1 | Culture, Small Talk |
If you could try any illicit drug without experiencing any of the negative consequences, would you try? If so which one? | 2 | Health, Possessions, Small Talk |
If you died right now, what would you regret? | 2 | Death and Suffering, Identity, Small Talk |
If you don't have the mental capacity (disability, babies) to believe in God, is it fair that they go to hell for not believing, do they go to hell for not believing? | 3 | Theology, Worldviews |
If you found out definitively that God didn't exist, how would that change your life? | 2 | Small Talk |
If you had a chance to know how/when you would die, would you want to know? | 1 | Death and Suffering, Small Talk |
If you had a chance to remove one part of history, what would it be? | 1 | Small Talk, Time |
If you had a one use time machine, when would you go? | 1 | Small Talk |
If you had a pet parrot and you could only teach it one phrase, what would you teach it? | 1 | Small Talk |
If you had an extra 2-3 hours in your week, which ministry would you commit to? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
If you had to choose between Aussie and another culture, which would you choose? Why? | 1 | Culture, Identity |
If you had to delete all your social media except one, which one would you keep? | 1 | Culture, Small Talk |
If you secretly won the lottery, what would you do? | 2 | Possessions, Small Talk |
If you were given an opportunity to live your dream life, but you had to give up your old (current) life in exchange, would you take it? | 3 | Small Talk, Worldviews |
If you were handed everything you ever wanted without having put in any effort, would you take it? | 2 | Small Talk, Worldviews |
If you were in a fight until the death with another person, would you kill them? | 2 | Death and Suffering, Small Talk, Worldviews |
If you were one day arrested without any explanation, what would your friends and family members assumed you had done? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
If you were to move overseas right now, who would you miss the most? | 1 | Relationships, Small Talk |
In a dispute with a friend/partner, do their intentions matter more than the outcomes? | | |
In the beginning of a friendship is trust given or does it need to be earned? | | Relationships |
In what circumstance is it okay for a Christian to get divorced? | 3 | Relationships |
In what ways can stress be helpful? How can it be unhelpful? | | |
In what ways can you use yours emotions to better serve others? | | |
In what ways do feelings justify selfish desires in your life? | | |
In what ways do you idolise singlesness and/or marriage? | | |
In what ways do you serve your family members as a Christian? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
In what ways do you serve your family members? | | Relationships |
In what ways do you think our culture encourages/discourages staying single? | | |
In what ways do you think you are similar or different to your parents? | 2 | Relationships |
In what ways does mainstream media promote a healthy/unhealthy lifestyle? | | |
In what ways does the experience of singleness differ between males and females? | | |
In what ways does your culture promote a healthy lifestyle? In what ways does it not? | | |
In what ways does your friend love/care for you that doesn’t really speak to you? | | |
In what ways have you positively influenced by the internet and in what ways have you been negatively influenced by the internet? | | |
In what ways have your family and friends impacted your relationship with your romantic partner? | | |
In which environments do you feel most helpful and useful? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Is COVID a hoax? | 1 | Current Affairs, Small Talk |
Is ambition a good thing for Christians? Explain. | 2 | Christian Living, Identity, Sins, Work and Education |
Is appreciation of art over rated? Why or why not? | 2 | Culture |
Is burnout a real thing? | 2 | Health, Ministry and Church, Relationships, Small Talk, Work and Education |
Is equality of outcome more important than equal opportunity? | 3 | Culture, Worldviews |
Is euthanasia ethical for someone who is really suffering? | 3 | Christian Living, Death and Suffering, Worldviews |
Is health relative? | | |
Is identity politics problematic? Why or why not? | 3 | Current Affairs, Worldviews |
Is it bad or sinful to consume media that conflict with Christian values? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture, Sins |
Is it bad to not attempt to convert all your non-christian friends? | 3 | Ministry and Church, Sins |
Is it better to/ would you prefer to have a few close friends or many friendly acquaintances? | 2 | Relationships, Small Talk |
Is it fair or right for a person to become friends with someone solely for the purpose of exploring a romantic future with them? | | |
Is it healthy to limit your identity to one ideology? | 3 | Culture, Current Affairs, Small Talk, Theology, Worldviews |
Is it important to DTR (define the relationship) with your friends of the opposite sex? When is it appropriate or when is it not? | | Relationships |
Is it ok to be proud of your culture? Why or why not? | 2 | Culture |
Is it ok to be proud of your nation as a Christian? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture |
Is it okay for christians to be competitive when playing sports? Why or why not? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture |
Is it okay for people to bring their religious views into the public domain? (eg voting, abortion)? Why or why not? | 3 | Christian Living, Culture, Ministry and Church, Worldviews |
Is it okay to physically discipline your kids? | 3 | Relationships |
Is it sinful to take a course just for passion as opposed to social good? | 2 | Christian Living, Sins, Work and Education |
Is it unloving for your husband/ wife to refuse to take care of themselves, under the assumption that they will be unconditionally loved by their partner? | 3 | Relationships |
Is it wrong for a christian to be wealthy? Why or why not? | 1 | Christian Living, Possessions |
Is it wrong to read religious texts outside of your religion? | 1 | Worldviews |
Is nationalism inherently bad? | 2 | Culture, Worldviews |
Is the goal of life to achieve happiness? | | |
Is there a difference between a ‘true friend’ and a ‘good friend’? | | |
Is there something that a lot of people hate that you actually like? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
Is there such thing as godly comparison? | 2 | Relationships |
Is your social media persona different to yourself in real life? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
Is your speech seasoned with salt. How can you make your speech seasoned with salt? | 2 | Christian Living |
Justify your current spending habits. | 1 | Possessions |
KFC nuggets or McDonalds nuggets? | 1 | Small Talk |
List 5 traits you look for in a partner | 2 | Relationships |
Name your top 5 favourite train/metro stations? | 1 | Small Talk |
On average, how much time do you think you spend on your phone a day? | 1 | Small Talk, Time |
On social media, is it okay to add friends that you don't know in real life? Why or why not? | 1 | Culture |
On what morals do you vote for your political leaders? and why? | 2 | Culture, Worldviews |
Quarter pounder or McChicken? | 1 | Small Talk |
Rate your self esteem out of 10. | 2 | Identity |
Should Christians go into the entertainment business, Why or why not and how far? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture, Work and Education |
Should a christian kill for their country? | 2 | Worldviews |
Should an artist's controversial past stop you from consuming their work? | 2 | Culture, Worldviews |
Should christians get involved in social activism? Why or why not? | 3 | Christian Living, Culture, Current Affairs, Worldviews |
Should christians go into politics? Why or why not? | 2 | Christian Living, Current Affairs, Small Talk, Worldviews |
Should higher education be mandatory for a better society? | | |
Should we be resting to work or working to rest? | | |
Social media claims to be a free for all platform yet restricts their users by banning certain accounts, not letting certain aged children to sign up and setting up targeted algorithms, what are the potential impacts of this on their users? | | |
Social media, do the benefits outweigh the costs/ downfalls? | 2 | Culture |
Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube Premium? | 1 | Culture, Small Talk |
Summarise your life in a sentence | 2 | Identity |
The internet allows individuals to find groups of likeminded people on almost any interest or topic, how is it a positive or negative development? | | |
They say that the life of the family revolves around its most dysfunctional member - is this true in your household/family? | | |
Think about a close friend - what actions make your friend feel most loved? | | |
Think about a close friend - what can you implement in your friendship to improve it? | | |
Think about a close friend - what do you appreciate most about your friendship? | | |
Think of a time someone’s help was actually beneficial - what about it made it effective? | | Relationships |
To what extent do you judge someone by their culture/ heritage? | 2 | Culture, Identity, Relationships |
To what extent is self-care sinful? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture, Identity, Sins |
Under what circumstance would you become vegan? | 2 | Culture, Small Talk |
Were the ten commandments written so people could flourish in society or for them to realise they couldn't flourish in society? | 2 | Small Talk, Theology |
What about your friends do you love/appreciate the most? | 2 | Relationships |
What activities do you usually do to rest? Do you feel well rested after those activities? | | |
What are 2 words you'd love to be described as? | 1 | Identity |
What are some healthy boundaries to have in a friendship? | | Relationships |
What are some of the gifts of singleness and how are you making use of these benefits right now? | | |
What are some of your unhelpful coping mechanisms? | | |
What are some parts of the healthcare system you think should change? | | |
What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned from being single? | | |
What are the dangers of being led by your emotions too much? | | |
What are the highlights and lowlights of your week? | 1 | Health, Small Talk, Time |
What are the joys of singleness? | | |
What are the marks of a healthy realtionship? (platonic/romantic) | | Relationships |
What are the perks and downfalls of dating your best friend? | 2 | Relationships |
What are the top 3 things/areas you spend your time in? | 1 | Time |
What are the top 5 things you spend the most money on? | 1 | Possessions, Small Talk |
What are thoughts on going to the gym and gym culture? | 2 | Culture, Health |
What are you afraid of? | | |
What are you best qualified to give advice on? | 2 | Relationships |
What are you most confident in? | 2 | Identity |
What are you most proud of your family for? | | |
What are your definitions of love and romance? How has media influenced the way you think and perceive love and romance? | | |
What are your most expensive possessions? | 1 | Possessions |
What are your non-negotiables when looking for a church? | 1 | Ministry and Church |
What are your pet peeves? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
What are your strength and weaknesses? | 1 | Identity |
What are your thoughts on investing in stocks as a Christian? | 2 | Christian Living, Possessions |
What are your thoughts on long distance relationships? | 2 | Relationships |
What are your thoughts on soulmates? | 1 | Relationships, Small Talk |
What are your thoughts on swearing? | 2 | Culture |
What are your thoughts on the 'cancel culture'? | 2 | Culture |
What are your thoughts on the rise of sexual freedom? What are it’s contributors as well as it’s impact on society (family, promiscuity, contraception) | | |
What are your thoughts on the rising trend of people labelling their experience as ‘traumatic’ and people or behaviours as ‘toxic’? | | |
What area do you feel most immature in? | 2 | Identity |
What attributes of a person make them easier to lead? | | |
What boundary do you find hardest to set and enforce with others? | | |
What can be a pitfall of happiness? What can be a benefit of sadness? | | |
What character trait do you find the hardest to be patient with? Why? | | |
What characteristic of yours has caused the most conflict or abrasion in your friendships and relationships? | | Relationships |
What characteristic of yours would you need to change in order to manage stress better? | | |
What considerations should you make when thinking about marriage or staying single? | | |
What did you do well this week? | 1 | Christian Living, Small Talk, Time |
What did you last rebuke someone about? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
What do you appreciate most about your partner? | | |
What do you do to prevent burnout? | | Health, Relationships |
What do you find hardest about rebuking someone? | 2 | Ministry and Church, Relationships |
What do you find important in a leader? | 3 | Ministry and Church, Relationships |
What do you find rewarding and challenging about your friendship with people of the opposite sex? | | Relationships |
What do you find the most difficult to have self control in? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity |
What do you need to let go of in your life and why? | 3 | Relationships |
What do you need to repent from? | 2 | Christian Living |
What do you need to take more responsibility in? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity, Ministry and Church |
What do you pride yourself in and why? | 2 | Identity, Small Talk |
What do you think are deal-breakers as to why someone wouldn’t date you? What are ones that mean you wouldn’t date someone? | | |
What do you think is the hardest aspect of leadership? | | |
What do you think is the ideal age to get married and why? | 2 | Relationships, Small Talk |
What do you think is the most important part of music ministry? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
What do you think is the most significant event thats going to happen in the next 5 years? | 3 | Culture, Time, Worldviews |
What do you think it means to be a good member of the church? | 1 | Ministry and Church |
What do you think other people are attracted to in you? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
What do you think separates Christianity from other religions? | 1 | Small Talk, Theology |
What do you think your friends think about your faith? | 2 | Christian Living, Relationships |
What do you use to organise your life? | 2 | Possessions, Small Talk, Time |
What do you wish people would say at your funeral? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
What do you wish was included in either the masculine or feminine stereotype and why? | 3 | Culture, Identity, Worldviews |
What does being mission minded mean to you? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
What does health look like for people suffering with illnesses/diseases/injuries that last a lifetime? | | |
What does it look like to be humble? | 2 | Identity |
What does it mean for you to make a commitment to someone? What will it take for you to make a commitment to someone? (platonic or romantic) | | Relationships |
What does it mean for you to welcome a newcomer at church? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
What does it mean to be a godly man/woman? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture, Identity, Ministry and Church, Theology |
What does it mean to be a hardworking Christian in your work place? | 2 | Christian Living, Work and Education |
What does it mean to be an adult living in your parent’s home? What should it look like? | | |
What does it mean to be emotionally pure? | | |
What does it mean to have healthy friendships with the opposite sex? | | Relationships |
What does it mean to have healthy guy/girl relationships? | 2 | Relationships |
What does it mean to you, to be a godly sibling? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
What does it take for you to feel vulnerable around others? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
What does it take for you to trust someone? What does it take for you to distrust someone? | | Relationships |
What does resting well look like? | | |
What does society and culture have to say about rest? | | |
What does the characteristic that you admire say about you? | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
What does worship mean to you? | 1 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
What does ‘mental health’ mean to you? | | |
What emotion do you struggle to control the most? What strategies do you have in place to manage it? | | |
What expectation do you hold for yourself that you don’t hold for anyone else? Why does this expectation only apply to you? | | |
What flaw have you seen in another person that has rebuked you? | | Relationships |
What flaws in a leader should: be forgiven and dealt with graciously; be rebuked; disqualify them from leadership? | | |
What have you been praying for lately? | 1 | Christian Living |
What have you been reading in the bible lately? | 1 | Christian Living |
What have you learned from one of your platonic friendships that you want to apply to a future romantic relationship? | | |
What internal and external things help you prevent burnout? | | Health, Relationships |
What is 1 non-negotiable characteristic that you look for in a partner that is also deficient in you? | 3 | Relationships |
What is 1 parenting practice that you want to emulate as a parent? | 2 | Relationships |
What is a boundary you’ve set reactively (in response to a situation), and one you set proactively (to prevent a situation from occurring)? | | |
What is a flaw in your culture that has created a deficiency in you? | 3 | Culture, Identity |
What is a flaw of yours that your close friend(s) has learned to embrace and accept really well? | | |
What is a misconception that you think people might have of one of your close friends? | | Relationships |
What is a stumbling block for you? | 3 | Christian Living, Identity, Ministry and Church |
What is a subtle deed that a friend has done that you really appreciate? | | |
What is a topic, do you think, is too focused on/over-emphasised in your church? | 3 | Ministry and Church |
What is an event that has humbled you most? | 2 | Identity |
What is an indicator that a person no longer only views you as a friend? | | |
What is considered “too far” or “too much” when friends ask favours? | | Relationships |
What is emotional intelligence? Why is it important? | | |
What is most attractive to you in a person? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
What is one area/topic that you and a close friend have agreed to disagree on? | | |
What is one dream you've given up on and why? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
What is one flaw of your parents that you take after? | 2 | Relationships |
What is one flaw of your parents that you take after? | | |
What is one lesson that work has taught you? | 2 | Identity, Work and Education |
What is one metaphor that describes your current season of Christian living? | 1 | Christian Living |
What is one of your friends’ great strengths that is also one of their biggest weaknesses? | | |
What is one relational skills you’re trying to improve on? | | Relationships |
What is one thing a stranger has said to you that has stuck with you? | 2 | Identity, Relationships, Small Talk |
What is one thing that you admire about someone in this group and why? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
What is one topic/area/possession that you are almost too obsessively into? | 1 | Identity, Possessions, Small Talk, Time |
What is one unique secondary gospel issue/opinion that you have? | 2 | Christian Living |
What is one unpopular Christian opinion you have? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
What is one way someone can help you read more of the bible? | 1 | Christian Living |
What is rest? Why is it important? | | |
What is something that married people do that is unhelpful to single people? (And vice versa) | | |
What is something that someone has done to make you feel welcomed? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
What is something that your family does really well? | | |
What is something you know about your friend that most others don’t know? | | |
What is something you like talking about? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
What is stopping you from doing more ministry? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
What is stress? | | |
What is the best compliment that you could received? | 1 | Identity |
What is the best compliment that you have received? | 1 | Identity, Relationships |
What is the biggest lesson you learned from your parents? | 1 | Relationships |
What is the correlation between mental and physical health? Give a personal example. | | |
What is the difference between Christian friendship and fellowship? | | |
What is the difference between being lonely and being alone? | | |
What is the most attractive personality trait of someone of the opposite sex? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
What is the most common cause of your anger? | | |
What is the most common cause of your happiness/unhappiness? | | |
What is the most fun/enjoyable part of church life? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
What is the purpose of you having each social media app? | 2 | Culture |
What is top physically attractive trait of someone of the opposite sex? | 2 | Relationships |
What is your MBTI? | 1 | Identity |
What is your church's stereotype/demographic? | 1 | Ministry and Church |
What is your culture's expression of affection? How does that affect the way in which you give and receive affection? | 2 | Culture, Identity, Relationships |
What is your culture's model of sharing weaknesses and vulnerabilities? | 3 | Culture, Relationships |
What is your current media rabbit hole? | 2 | Culture, Time |
What is your highest and deepest expression of emotional safety? | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
What is your stance on ambition in the workplace? | 3 | Culture, Possessions, Work and Education |
What is ‘burnout’? | | |
What kind of people do you attract? And what kind of people are you attracted to? | 3 | Relationships |
What kind of person would not be naturally welcomed at your church and why? | 3 | Ministry and Church |
What lesson have you learnt from being an only child/brother/sister? | | Relationships |
What lessons have you learned from other peoples’ mistakes and/or achievements? | | |
What makes a close friend, a close friend? | | Relationships |
What makes a person ready to be married? What characteristics makes a person ‘not ready’ for marriage? | | |
What makes you a good sibling/son/daughter? | | Relationships |
What makes you feel like a part of your church? | | Ministry and Church, Relationships |
What makes you feel the most FOMO? | 2 | Culture, Identity, Relationships |
What markers would indicate that you aren’t being emotionally pure in a relationship? | | |
What parenting strategy did you learn from your parents that you’d like to implement with your children? | | Relationships |
What part of ministry do you find most tiring? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
What part of your church culture would you change and why? | 3 | Ministry and Church |
What part of your personality has held you back? | 2 | Identity |
What personality traits do you think make you a good single person, and what traits make you a good partner? | | |
What physical loss of function would affect you most as a person? (e.g. sight, hearing) | 2 | Health, Identity, Small Talk |
What purpose do emotions have? | | |
What role should charity play in the christian church? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
What sort of advice do people mostly seek you for? | | Relationships |
What sort of people do you attract and what sort of people are you attracted to (platonically or romantically)? | | Relationships |
What stops you from sharing the gospel? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity, Ministry and Church |
What strategies do you use to help you stay disciplined? How effective are they? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity |
What things in life stress you out the most? | | |
What things make it easier to be content with singleness and what makes it more difficult? | | |
What topic, do you think, is not focused on enough at your church? | 3 | Ministry and Church |
What traits should a leader have? | 2 | Ministry and Church, Relationships, Small Talk |
What usually helps calm you down when you’re angry? | | |
What was the last mistake you learnt from? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
What were some challenges in your married life that were easier to overcome than you expected? Were any challenges harder or more complicated than you thought they would be? | | Relationships |
What were some unexpected challenges in your marriage? | | Relationships |
What were you last rebuked about? | 2 | Christian Living, Relationships |
What were your childhood dreams? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
What would it take for you to relinquish all social media? | 1 | Culture, Identity |
What would people miss about you if you left church? | 3 | Ministry and Church |
What would people say at your funeral? | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
What would say at the eulogy of someone you don't like. | 3 | Death and Suffering, Small Talk |
What would you be like if you weren't a Christian? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity |
What would you do if you found out in utero, that your child was going to live a very poor quality of life (disability, illness)? | 3 | Culture, Health, Relationships, Worldviews |
What would you do if you met someone you thought was your soulmate but they lived overseas? | 1 | Relationships, Small Talk |
What would you do if your ex wanted to return a hoodie after a long time? | 2 | Relationships, Small Talk |
What would your christian self 3 years ago think about your christian self today? What would you say to them? | 3 | Christian Living |
What would your ideal phone number be? | 1 | Small Talk |
What would/does your partner find most difficult about being in a relationship with you? | | |
What's a good way to receive a compliment? | 2 | Culture, Identity, Relationships |
What's an expectation you had of people that you no longer hold? What made you let go of that expectation? | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
What's another language you want to speak? Why? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk, Time |
What's one aspect of another culture you wish you were a part of? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
What's one conspiracy theory that you hold true? Explain | 2 | Culture, Small Talk, Worldviews |
What's one cuisine you couldn't live without? | 1 | Culture, Small Talk |
What's one cultural expectation you find burdensome? | 2 | Culture |
What's one cultural expectation you think you exceed in? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
What's one goal you want to achieve this year? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
What's one job you would like to try once, without any repercussions? | 1 | Work and Education |
What's one life lesson that's stuck with you? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
What's one misconception people have about you? | 3 | Identity |
What's one part of the Christian life that you don't take seriously enough? | 2 | Christian Living |
What's one part of your culture you want to unlearn? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
What's one personal boundary that you wish you kept better? | 2 | Identity |
What's one thing people say in your profession that's a lie? | 1 | Work and Education |
What's one thing you were bullied for that is now trendy? | 1 | Culture, Identity, Small Talk |
What's one thing you wish people didn't know about you? | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
What's one thing you wish people knew about you? | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
What's one thing you would change about your life experience? | 2 | Identity |
What's one thing you're looking forward to next week? | 2 | Small Talk, Time |
What's one thing you've done to save face that you're most ashamed about? | 3 | Culture, Identity, Sins |
What's one warning you wish you knew about your significant other or closest friend before you met them? | 1 | Relationships |
What's something you find unhelpful that someone of the opposite sex does/says? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
What's something you're hesitant to tell people? | 2 | Relationships |
What's the best way to pursue someone you like? | 2 | Relationships |
What's the biggest lesson you learned about communication? | 2 | Relationships |
What's the boundary between liking someone and ‘simping’? | 2 | Relationships |
What's the difference between being nice and being flirty? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
What's the hardest part about breakups? | 2 | Relationships |
What's the hardest thing about being a man/woman? | 2 | Identity |
What's the next step in you growing as a godly man/woman? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity, Ministry and Church |
What's your favourite dress code? | 1 | Small Talk |
What's your favourite form of validation?- being asked for advise, compliments, being asked out etc. | 3 | Identity, Relationships |
What's your favourite store to visit? | 1 | Small Talk |
What's your most embarrassing moment in high school? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
What's your most prominent love language? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Whats a practical way you can support people who suffer abroad? | 2 | Christian Living, Death and Suffering, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
Whats one reason you might leave your current church? | 2 | Identity, Ministry and Church |
Whats one thing that breaks you? | 3 | Health, Identity, Relationships |
Whats one thing that has made you a stronger person? | 2 | Identity |
Whats one thing that has made you a weaker person? | 2 | Identity |
Whats one thing you find hard to be joyful in? | 1 | Christian Living, Health |
Whats one thing you would change about yourself? | 2 | Identity |
Whats something that you're bad at taking initiative in? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity, Ministry and Church |
Whats something that you're good at taking initiative in? | 2 | Identity, Small Talk |
Whats the area of your life that you're most discontent with and why? | 2 | Identity, Small Talk |
Whats the biggest event in your life that has shaped you as a person? | 3 | Identity |
Whats the biggest thing you look for in a partner? | 2 | Relationships |
Whats the difference between christian growth and ministry performance? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
Whats the driest part about Christian living? | 3 | Christian Living |
Whats the driest part about your church? | 3 | Ministry and Church |
Whats your biggest insecurity? | 2 | Identity |
What’s one lesson you’ve learned about emotions? | | |
What’s something that you do/would do with your partner that you find difficult to do with friends? | | |
What’s the bar for being too emotional or not emotional enough? | | |
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome, and what’s one that you’ve still yet to overcome in married life? | | Relationships |
What’s the difference between happiness and being content? | | |
When God commands Adam to have dominion over every living thing on earth in Genesis- Is this dominion something we inherently have as humans or something we need to be actively pursuing to do? | 3 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships, Theology |
When do you feel least loveable and why? | 3 | Identity |
When do you love yourself the most and why? | 2 | Health, Identity |
When do your cultural conditions overtake your Christian convictions? | 2 | Christian Living, Culture, Ministry and Church |
When have you most intensely felt an emotion? What was it; what events lead up to it; how did you deal with it? | | |
When is the last time you spoke to someone about the gospel? | 1 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
When was a time you got really triggered or fustrated? Why? | | Relationships |
When was the last time someone broke your trust? | | Relationships |
When was the last time you cried and why? | 2 | Health |
When you seek advice from others, what is it mainly about? | | Relationships |
Where do animals go when they die? Will they go to heaven? | 2 | Death and Suffering, Small Talk |
Where do we draw the line between helping and patronising people with disabilities? | 3 | Culture, Small Talk, Worldviews |
Where do you gravitate towards when it comes to your attitude towards evangelism?
Quadrant: Urgent/Important, not urgent/important, not urgent/not important, urgent/not important | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
Where do you see your christian life in 5 years time? | 2 | Christian Living |
Where do you see yourself living next? | 1 | Small Talk |
Where does your money go? | 2 | Possessions |
Where does your sense of worth come from? | 2 | Identity |
Which culture do you wish you were more a part of? | 2 | Culture, Identity |
Which married couple do you admire most and why? | 1 | Relationships |
Which of your characteristics do you give your family credit for? | | Relationships |
Which of your friends would you live with? | 2 | Relationships |
Which of your good characteristics will become redundant in heaven? | 2 | Christian Living, Identity, Small Talk |
Which part of the bible do you hate the most and why? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
Which part of your culture do you feel most proud of? Most ashamed of? | 2 | Culture |
Which quadrant of: bible, experience, logic, church, do you gravitate most towards to guide your christian life? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
Which suburb would you live in, if you had a choice? | 1 | Small Talk |
Which was your hardest break up and why? (doesn't have to be romantic) | 3 | Relationships |
Who are you most vulnerable with and why? | 2 | Relationships |
Who can you be the most vulnerable with and why? | | Relationships |
Who do you complain about the most and why? | | |
Who do you feel the safest with and why? | | Relationships |
Who do you need to be more patient with? Why? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Relationships |
Who do you need to forgive? | 2 | Relationships |
Who do you turn to when you’re stressed? | | |
Who have you recently unfollowed/ followed on social media and why? | 2 | Culture |
Who in your life has been a good example of resting well? Why? | | |
Who is an example of a godly man and woman in your life? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Who is in your zombie apocalypse dream team and why? | 1 | Small Talk |
Who is one person you want to get closer to? | | Relationships |
Who is one person you want to share the gospel with? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Small Talk |
Who is your closest friend of the opposite gender? | 1 | Relationships |
Who knows you best? What parts of you have they observed/seen that others haven’t? | | Relationships |
Who of your same-gender friends would you marry if you were the opposite gender and why? | 2 | Relationships |
Who was the last person you apologised to? | 1 | Relationships |
Who was the person who influenced your life the most and why? | 1 | Relationships |
Who would make your best man/maid of honour? Why? | 2 | Relationships, Small Talk |
Who would you have dinner with, dead or alive and what would you drink with them? | 2 | Culture, Relationships, Small Talk |
Who would you set up with your sibling/s? | 1 | Relationships |
Who's one person you would be willing to go to jail for? | 2 | Relationships, Small Talk |
Why did you leave your previous church? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
Why do you compliment other people? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Why do you go to this church (What makes you stay at this church)? | 2 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church |
Why do you post on social media? | 1 | Culture, Identity, Small Talk |
Why do you post on social media? | | |
Why do you think language gear towards males? (ie man is one syllable and women comes from that word) | 2 | Culture, Worldviews |
Why do you think socialism is so prevalent now? | 3 | Culture, Small Talk, Worldviews |
Why do you think the number of people with mental illness diagnoses skyrocketed in the last 50 years? | | |
Why have you been attending/not attending church? | 3 | Christian Living, Ministry and Church, Worldviews |
Why is the rise of equal rights such a important metric in society today? | | |
Would you consider buddism a religion or a lifestyle and why? | 2 | Culture, Identity, Worldviews |
Would you discipline your children the way you were disciplined? Why or why not? | 3 | Relationships |
Would you give up a limb for a million dollars, if so, which one? | 1 | Small Talk |
Would you live with yourself if you were one of your friends? Why or why not? | 1 | Identity |
Would you move out if you had the chance? | 2 | Culture, Small Talk |
Would you rather be ugly with a good personality or beautiful with a bad personality? | 1 | Identity, Small Talk |
Would you rather die early honourably or lie a long but mediocre life? | 2 | Culture, Death and Suffering, Small Talk, Worldviews |
Would you rather know when or how you die? | 1 | Death and Suffering, Small Talk |
Would you rather serve where your strengths are or where there is need? | 2 | Ministry and Church |
Would you rather underestimate or overestimate someone’s capabilities? Why? | 2 | Identity, Relationships |
Would you send your kid to private school? Why or why not? | 1 | Culture, Identity, Possessions |
“Actions speak louder than words.” Do you agree? | | |